
Canadian Benefits Law

Expert advice on Benefits Law in Canada


Areas of Practice

corporate transactions

Advice to corporate clients, law firms and in-house counsel on pension and benefits issues in corporate transactions including mergers and acquisitions (buying and selling businesses), loan transactions and other corporate changes

pension LITIGATION and regulation

Representation of clients before pension regulators including the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) and Ontario’s Financial Services Tribunal

pension and other retirement plan changes

Advice to pension plan administrators and plan sponsors about pension plan administration including conversions of pension plans from defined benefit to defined contribution design, surplus withdrawals and plan terminations, group registered retirement savings plans (Group RRSPs), deferred profit sharing plans (DPSPs)

pensions in insolvency

Representation of court-appointed monitors, creditors, boards of directors and other parties involved in restructuring insolvent companies and their pension plans, including administration of underfunded pension plans in insolvencies

Pension Fund investment

Pension fund investments including private equity, negotiating contracts with pension fund managers, preparation and filing of Statement of Investment Policy and Procedures, environmental, social and governance investment issues